Lernhilfe (Tutoring) & Sprachschatz (Vocabulary)

At TUTO Lernhilfe (Tutoring), children from 6 to 14 years old receive task supervision and competent learning assistance. At TUTO Sprachschatz (Vocabulary), kindergarten kids can playfully learn German. 

By creating a positive and encouraging atomsphere, the knowledge is broadened and the development of the children is positively supported. While learning together, the children experience that they are respected and fully appreciated. At TUTO, respectful and appreciating interactions are strongly valued. An important factor for the joint effort is a good cooperation with parents and teachers of the participating children. 

For children, who attend an elementary school, a Mittelschule or a Gymnasium (Unterstufe):
TUTO Tutoring

For preschool- & kindergarten-aged children:
TUTO Vocabulary

TUTO Hours & Contact


HOUSE RULES for the TUTO Learning Support Centre and the TUTO Language Centre

These house rules apply to all employees, children and young people, guardians and persons staying in the Villa of the Marienheim Foundation. 

Contact persons/responsibilities:

The Marienheim Foundation is responsible for the learning aid and language centre.

The contact persons are the head of the learning support and language centre, the group leaders of the language centre and the learning guides.

Enrolment of a child:

A child can be enrolled by completing the enrolment form in person and/or handing it in or sending it by email to tuto@marienheim.at. Enrolment is ranked according to the date of enrolment and the child is admitted chronologically by date and by age (depending on the age group in which a group place becomes available). 

Entry to the building is permitted for 

- The families of the Sprachschatz can enter the building 15 minutes before the start of the Sprachschatz lesson, i.e. from 

0.45 pm, 1.15 pm or 1.45 pm. 

Until the start of the lesson at 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm or 2.00 pm, the guardians are responsible for the supervision of their children!

- and for all other Lernhilfe children from 3.00 pm.

Entrance door Villa:

The front door is locked without exception. The guardians of the language centre children can be admitted by pressing the bell button of the relevant language centre room. 

The children of the learning support centre can enter after ringing the bell of their learning support room and announcing their name via the intercom.

Behaviour in the Marienheim:

- All persons who are not employees, pupils or their guardians must first report to the management. They will endeavour to deal with the matter in question. Every member of staff is authorised and obliged to ask unknown persons about their concerns. In the event of non-compliance, the management is authorised to issue a house ban! 

- Permitted media for communicating with employees, guardians and children are emails, text messages and WhatsApp. Of course, you are also welcome to contact us by telephone or visit us in person for a chat (see "How to contact us").

- Physical and psychological violence against children and adults is not tolerated at the Marienheim Foundation under any circumstances. 

- Photos and videos may only be taken with the express consent of the persons concerned and may only be published with written permission (from the guardian in the case of children). Under no circumstances may they be used for private purposes.

- No gifts may be accepted from employees. A customary local or national gift of low value is not considered a gift. Financial donations go exclusively to the Marienheim Foundation. 

- There is no favouritism through family relationships or other close relationships within the Marienheim Foundation, neither among the employees nor among the children and guardians.

- Attention must be paid to cleanliness and tidiness throughout the Marienheim premises. We keep all learning aid rooms, common areas, the toilet and the outside area clean. We dispose of waste in the designated areas and separate it into paper, organic, metal and residual waste as far as possible. In the event of wilful soiling and/or damage, cleaning and compensation will be carried out by the perpetrator or their guardian.

- Smoking is prohibited on the entire premises (except in the designated smoking area)!

- All persons present at the Marienheim Foundation are role models for the children. They pay attention to cleanliness, order, peace and politeness.

Behaviour in the corridors and stairwells:

When entering, leaving and visiting the toilet, the volume must be kept to a minimum! 

Running in the corridors and stairwells is not permitted!

The TUTO management or the responsible language group leader or learning guide must be informed immediately if a child in the language group or learning support programme is ill or unable to attend. In accordance with the Infection Protection Act, any illnesses that are subject to mandatory notification must be reported. 

Any allergies must be reported when enrolling the child! 

Reachability of the guardians:

Changes to the telephone numbers of the guardians must be reported immediately in order to ensure that they can be contacted in the event of an emergency! A change of address must also be reported promptly.

Food and drinks:

- No eating is allowed during the learning aid time!

- During the language vocabulary lesson, eating is only permitted as an exception in the context of a lesson!

- Only drinks in the drinking bottles brought along are permitted! No drinks cans of any kind! 

Leaving the building:

Language vocabulary and learning support for primary school children: The guardians must ensure that the child is collected by the agreed time or is collected by a person authorised by them. This also applies to younger primary school children who are not allowed to go home alone.

Learning support: The guardians decide how long their child will stay in the learning support centre within the agreed time.

After leaving the group rooms, the children must leave the entire Marienheim area due to the duty of supervision, i.e.   

  • the building,
  • the garden/playground and 
  • the inner courtyard/car park

Waiting area:

The guardians of the Sprachschatz children can wait with their siblings in the garden, in the learning support rooms or in the corridor area. 


The playground is open from 0.45 pm to 3.45 pm for the families of the Sprachschatz children and for waiting families of the Lernhilfe children. 

From 3.45 pm to 4.30 pm, the playground is available to the primary school children of the Lernhilfe during the 10-minute break. From 5.00 pm it is closed and the area must be left!

Closing times:

The Lernhilfe is closed on the first two days at the start of the school year and in the last two weeks of the school year, as well as on the last day before the Christmas holidays, term holidays, Easter holidays and before Whitsun. Please enquire in good time about individual closing days according to the current notice board (e.g. regarding window days)

Insurance cover and liability:

Accident insurance cover is provided for the duration of the stay at the Marienheim Foundation, as well as on the way to and from the centre. 

We accept no liability for personal belongings, money and valuables brought into the language centre and the learning aid!

Bringing any kind of weapons or weapon-like objects is not permitted!

Fire safety regulations:

The posted fire safety regulations and the marked escape routes must be adhered to.

Warnings regarding a breach of the house rules will be recorded in writing (1st, 2nd and 3rd warning). Serious offences will result in immediate exclusion from TUTO Lernhilfe or TUTO Sprachschatz!

Options for making contact: 

- In writing: 

  • Message in the message box (Villa 1st floor - by the staircase) 
  • By e-mail: tuto@marienheim.at
  • Orally: 
    • 15 minutes before and after the language treasure lesson with the group leaders of the language treasure (or with the head of the learning aid and the language treasure from 15.00-17.00)
    • During the learning support times (14.30/15.00 - 17.00) with the learning guides or with the head of the learning support and language centre or outside these times by arranging a personal appointment 